Candle Light Memorial 2020

More than 100 people lighted a candle for this memorial from their homes in support of PLHIV in Lebanon.
أشعل أكثر من 100 شخص شمعة اليوم دعماً للأشخاص المتعايشين مع ال
HIV في لبنان.
#أنا_أدعم من أجل كسر حواجز الوصمة والتمييز وإعطاء الأمل للأجيال القادمة.
The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial is much more than just a memorial. It serves as a community mobilization campaign to raise social consciousness about HIV and AIDS.
With almost 38 million people living with HIV today, this memorial is an important intervention for global solidarity, breaking down barriers of stigma and discrimination, and giving hope to new generations.